Birth/Death Records (ND Vital Records) 448-01-50-07-05

(Revised 9/1/16 ML #3474)

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NDVerify interfaces with ND Vital Statistics to provide verification of the date of birth, date of death, citizenship, and relationship for individuals in the household for whom the search was initiated, regardless of age.


When the results are received, each match will be ranked based on the accuracy of the data:




If the results are inconsistent with what the household has provided, the household needs to be referred to the Vital Statistics Office at the North Dakota Department of Health. Workers should not say what information does not match, but inform the applicant or recipient it cannot be verified and that the individual needs to contact the Vital Statistics Office to obtain a certified copy.


Data received as a result of this search is owned by the Vital Statistics Office at the North Dakota Department of Health. This information: